

After 40, the lens within our eye becomes rigid and less elastic, and loses its ability to change shape and focus on near objects. If you’re 40 or older and are experiencing trouble seeing close up, you may want to think about a near vision correction procedure for this unavoidable condition known as presbyopia. Monovision is one option for you to correct your vision to achieve clearer near vision.

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This strategy sets one eye for distance vision and one for near/reading vision, allowing the patient to see at both ranges. Most people who use a monovision strategy for vision experience freedom from prescription glasses for most of or all of their daytime activities. Many of them, however, will feel more comfortable at night with nighttime driving glasses.

Monovision will allow patient to regain their reading vision. The result, however, is typically limited in time. Monovision cannot halt the progression of presbyopia. Additionally, most monovision patients will lose some degree of depth perception due to the loss of stereoscopic vision. A monovision strategy can be accomplished with contact lenses, intraocular lenses, and with eye surgery.

Although monovision does not work for everyone, it is a viable option for people who have presbyopia and are looking to improve their reading vision. Before pursuing monovision with surgery, many doctors will have patients try it with contact lenses first. Monovision can help you achieve good, functional vision at distance and near. If monovision is not right for you, there are other options available to you!

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